Love of a Husband

This breakdown has been hard on me.  Frustrating even.  But luckily I have had my husband by my side.  If no one else is there, he is.

He hasn’t always been the most supportive.  In fact for many years, he ignored my tears, thinking I was being dramatic and has even commented “but you cry all the time.”  We even separated last year, and I came close to leaving him again this year.  He struggled with my drug addiction, I struggled with his alcoholism.  We both struggled with trust and honesty with each other.  But he’s never hit me.  He’s never left me.  I think if he had done either of those, there would have been no way I would have been able to be with him now, due to my past.  If he hit me, I would be forever convinced he was just like everyone else and if he left me, I would constantly have fear of abandonment with him.

But he’s even been attending some counseling sessions with me.  He’s learning to understand what is wrong with me and supports me more.  He recognizes more when I’m stressed out or about to lose it and he gets me talking so I can let it out.  And the most important thing, I think, is I haven’t had sex with him since my breakdown several weeks ago.  He works out of town during the week so I don’t see him, but when he’s home, he has respected my wishes and hasn’t made any sexual advances or hasn’t even been flirtatious with me.

For that, I am thankful.  I know if I were to have sex with him, I would have flashbacks and it would most likely set me back, but I love that he is respectful of my needs.  I wish I didn’t feel guilty about not making love to him, but I do, as with everything else I do or don’t do, even if its best for me, I feel guilty.

Last night, I told him how much I appreciated him and how much I was thankful for the changes he has made in the last several months, because of those changes, I am strong enough to go through this battle in my mind, and know that he will be there for me no matter what.  He just thanked me for sharing my life with him, after I thanked him for listening to me.

I miss him when he is away, but I also appreciate the time I have alone to process my thoughts and feelings, especially since I’m working two jobs (about 60 hours a week) and don’t get too much time to myself anymore.

I know God brought Andres into my life.  He has given me two children with him and has honored our marriage.  My husband is finally a born again Christian and is allowing God to work on his heart.

Two nights ago, Sunday night, his last night with me, I just caressed his face and hair while he slept thinking of how great of a blessing he is to me.  I cried, of course, and wondered how I could be so lucky.  Things have been horrible, but they have also been great.  And we are struggling with money and time away from each other right now, but we still continue to work together for the better of our family and he has helped me with the kids and house more than ever.

I know my family will abandon me if I have a full blown out breakdown.  And the fact that I may be in the middle of one right now, scares me, but I know Andres, will never leave my side, even if it gets hard.   That is enough for me, to keep pushing on, knowing I have my best friend/husband on my side.

I can do this.  And so can you.

5 thoughts on “Love of a Husband

  1. My husband has also always been there to support me and understood when it was hard on me to be intimate. I honestly used to think no body understood my situation until I started counciling and meeting other women who have been through similar pain. It’s hard but God is faithful to heal our hearts into forgiving those that hurt us.

    1. Unfortunately my husband and I separated a year ago. However, he remains my best friend and we are constantly together and parent our child well together. Valentine’s day will make it a year we’ve been apart. There has been a lot of hurt and damage between us over the years….. and while he was supportive for the most part with my PTSD, he also was a huge contributing factor to my triggers and my breakdown to begin with. He can be sympathetic but he can also be unsupportive and tell me to “just get over it” or to stop “being dramatic” I’m not sure if we will ever get back together. I am a lot happier alone, focusing on myself, taking care of myself. My husband was never one to be very emotionally available and over the years, it broke me down, making me feel crazy and irrational with my behaviors and moods and it just wasn’t worth it anymore. He still comes to counseling sometimes, and he comes to church with us now. Perhaps this is our path and perhaps we will get back together on day, but right now, for the first time in my life, I’m loving me and taking care of me…… cause no one else has or will.

      1. All I can say my dearest sister is lean on God. I have struggled alot in the past….I broke down and felt like my world was closing in. For me, also going to a women’s Bible study support group helped me grow as a person in understanding my worth beyond this scared body and heart.

      2. I attend church twice a week, a christian support group once a week, counseling has lowered to twice a month (was twice a week) and I am involved in a lot of PTSD groups on Facebook as well as run my own group for support (the name is the same as my blog, if you are interested) I am finally reaching out more and more for the help I need to take care of myself. God is my main man. ❤

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