Counting my losses.


I got on here about twenty minutes ago, hoping to write about counting my losses, an assignment found on page 303 of the Courage to Heal workbook.

Of course, my lovely mind quickly distracted myself from thinking about it, I got distracted, ended up on another blog, on facebook, and even peeked at some online shopping, before I came back here, realizing what I was supposed to be doing.

The point of this exercise is to begin to allow yourself to grieve and mourn for what you have lost.  I’m very anxious and tense thinking about thinking about thinking about what I have lost.  It was recommended that I set a timer and just write for twenty minutes in case it becomes overwhelming……


I’m already starting to tear up at the thought of writing these words.  I feel so scared.  I’m not sure why.

Here goes.  Be gentle on me.

Things I’ve lost due to being abused.

I lost my virginity by force, when it should have been my choice.  It should have been a moment of my choosing, whether it was with a high school boyfriend or my husband.  Instead, I have the horrible memory of my brother on top of me when I was only a child, I didn’t even have breasts yet or pubic hair.

I lost the chance to learn what love is.  (I’m looking around for a cigg right now trying to distract myself)

I never got to experiment with boys or find my own way, sexually.  I never got to find the things I liked or didn’t like, because I was forced to do them.  Things I may have liked, are forever written in my memory as linked to my brother, to being molested, to being raped, to my innocence gone.

I can’t have a normal sexual relationship with anyone.  I can’t have a healthy sexual relationship.  I can usually only orgasm if I fantasize about rape or being told dirty things and that is usually only with masturbation.  I can count the times I’ve orgasmed with a man on my hand.

I don’t know how to handle soft touches, gentle kisses, making “love”

I’ve lost the trust and sympathy of my family.  I’ve lost relationships or they are at least strained.  I’ve been called a liar by the majority of my family since I reported the incest at the age of 10, even before it ever turned into rape.  Once, he was confronted, two years ago, by my sister and he said, “oh, she’s starting with her lies again.”

I’ve lost the ability to have a big brother that is protective and loving.  My father is pretty emotionally absent as well and I just had to marry a man who is pretty “emotionless” as well.

I’ve put myself in dangerous situations, including stepping in front of a loaded gun or man with a baseball bat to protect others who probably didn’t deserve protecting.  (drug dealer.)

I’ve devalued my body, my heart, my soul by giving it to every man that paid attention to me.  I’ve made myself have sex when I didn’t want to, I’ve done some disgusting things “willingly” when I didn’t want to.  Even did them again, knowing how they made me feel.

I lost the ability to prevent further abuse from happening….. proven by the 20+ abusers I’ve had, after my brother.

I lost the ability to have a normal childhood, a normal family with normal relationships.

(seven more minutes. ugh. i can’t do it)

My two year old distracted me so I had to get up and move around.  Only four minutes left, but I’m making myself do seven anyways.

I’ve lost the ability to hear words normally.  Everything I see or touch or hear is somehow viewed as sexual.  I never know what words or mix of words will bring it out of me.  I feel perverted.  I feel shame when I feel tingles in between my legs when I hear harsh words like rape or forced and even more so when they are innocent words that I interpret as perverted.

I’ve lost the ability to look at men and women for what they are, instead of what they have.  I find myself constantly looking at a woman’s beauty (or lack of), her boobs, her butt, wishing mine could be more like hers or less like hers.  Men, I always look to see at their face and decide if I would sleep with them or not (attracted or not), I look for wedding rings, and I look at their crotch, imaging how big they may be, sometimes imagining what it would feel like.

I’ve lost love and respect.  For others and myself.  Others have lost it in me.  I’ve lost the empathy of my family.  Of people I love.

I have lost the ability to ever live a normal life.  I’ve lost my innocence.  I’ve lost my childish giddiness.  I’ve lost looking at the world through the eyes of a child.  I’ve lived in fear, in confusion, in solitude for my entire life, feeling so alone and lost, even when I’m surrounded by family and friends.

When I was depressed, I would be called being dramatic or just wanting attention.  So I’ve lost the ability for others to see me for what I am.

I’m constantly looking for everyone’s ulterior motives.  I lost trust.  I can trust no one.  And anyone who does love me definitely can’t be trusted because they have no idea who I am.  If they did know, and stick around, there must be something wrong with them.  I can’t trust myself.  I constantly doubt myself.

UGHHHHHHH twenty minutes of hell is over.  I’m going to just post this before I reread and edit it or I may not post it at all.

I’m not crying, I’m trying not to feel.  I don’t want to go into work tonight, I just want to stay in bed in a little ball and breathe.  Work might distract me but it also may set me off more.

I hate myself right now.





9 thoughts on “Counting my losses.

  1. I understand. My circumstances aren’t exactly the same, replace a brother with a father with a nightly ritual of getting drunk, beating me, and then having his way with me, since I was about three. It stopped sometime around twelve or thirteen when I was strong enough to fight him off. But that didn’t stop the emotional, financial, and mental abuse until his death.

    1. That is horrifying and I’m really sorry that you had to go through that. Sincerely.
      My brother also has continued his mental and emotional abuse since the abuse ended. Perhaps its because he’s an ass or maybe its because (I’m rationalizing here. lol) he has so much shame that he wants to keep me away. Unfortunately for him (and me) I became best friends with his wife and his children are my children’s best friends. Luckily, she got angry at me, for something really stupid, and I allowed that to keep me away from her (and my brother).
      I believe its helped me in the healing process, to stop chasing and allowing myself to be abused just because I’m still seeking his approval and love.

      1. As much as it would hurt to lose your friend and your kids’ friends, being away from him would help. My brother didn’t believe me when I told him I was beat at night, so I didn’t tell him the rest.

      2. Most of my close family know, but I can’t bring myself to share the details with them, because its my brother, not a stranger or distant relative. To protect them I guess. As much as I want to open up and share with them, I can’t.
        But yes, I am finding liberating myself from forcing myself to put on a smile and be around my brother has empowered me so much.
        I am finally choosing what it right for me.

  2. I am so glad you didn’t edit this before posting. It is really powerful. It was hard to read, so I can’t imagine the courage it took to write. It is very real and raw and you need to take care of yourself after doing such deep work.

    I know this exercise is all about losses, and you’ve had more than anyone ever should. I know the pain of lost innocence, it is something that can never be replaced. But it strikes me how many things can also be recovered, given time and patience and the will. We’ve all still got that child within us, the ability to look at the world with open eyes and awe. It’s just being a grownup and being in pain blocks that. And I believe we can change how we view people and learn to trust again. I’m not saying any of this return easily, but there may just be a way to regain some losses, even if just a tiny portion of them.

    That doesn’t make counting your losses easier I know, and I am in no way trying to belittle your experience. Right now, those things feel lost, but if I know you at all, I know you have your faith. And with faith comes hope. So I’m daring to hope that you can come through all this and rediscover some aspects of what was taken from you.


    1. Now that was some positive advice! 🙂 Some advice that I want you to read out loud to yourself. Over and over again. Remind yourself of your strength and of your hope, especially in hard times.
      I did this around five when I was due for work at 8. I wasn’t expecting to have the reaction I did.
      I was tense through the whole thing, rocking back and forth, twitching my fingers and toes, I didn’t even want to think of what I lost, because then I had to think of the abuse. I know I’m very focused on the abuse of my brother, but I believe that was the most damaging, lasting around 8 years, and the beginning of downward spiral of hell. I’m hoping once I work on my brother’s abuse, I will be able to accept and handle the others that followed easier, at least that is my hope; here’s to hope!!!
      Anyways, I bawled for the entire three hours until I left for work. I had went into a disassociation state. Then my husband came home and asked me what was wrong. I hate that I can’t just explain things in English to him, it frustrates me so much and enrages me that I can’t just blurt out what I’m talking or thinking about. I have to carefully analyze in my head what to say so it comes across in the translation. It’s especially hard when I don’t really think what I’m thinking in ENGLISH! lol.
      Anyways, when I started to explain it to him, giving him examples of what I wrote, I couldn’t stop bawling. I went into my bed and just laid there and bawled, I tried to come up with excuses to tell my manager, but I decided to get up, do my hair, put on some makeup, try to look nice and maybe I would feel better, and I walked into work, hoping I would be able to leave or leave early, neither happened, but I was okay once I got there, for the most part. I broke down crying twice when I was upset and someone tried getting in my space and I told them twice to get away from me, and they just laughed about it. I walked off into the storage room and broke down for a few minutes. I don’t even know why I cried or what I was upset about. I was blank, numb, but yet extremely sad.

      1. Well done for getting yourself to work. I wouldn’t have managed that. I’ve just gone onto a new contract at work, it means I have to go in every morning. I was so anxious about it at first, but now I know it’s actually good for me. It forces me to interact and function how I should. But it is also really lonely being surrounded by seemingly normal people when you’re going through something awful. I have to keep reminding myself that any number of my colleagues could be dealing with horrendous situations, it’s just nobody talks about any of it do they?

        That was a bit of a ramble. What I meant to say was *hugs*. I imagine myself wrapping my arms around you in your sadness and holding you tight so you know you’re not on your own x

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